Monday, January 16, 2012

What Is LOVE?

Love IS...The ALL ENCOMPASSING EVERYTHING! It is pure in consciousness, mind, spirit. It is Embracing, accepting, knowing, and willing to see ALL Beings of God's Creation as PERFECT!

It Is living without any inhibitions; That one moment where in an act you lose All egoic notions and material lust. When you just ARE (Love) and Nothing (Fear, the Illusion,) exist. 

Spirit is literally present moving your every thought, and action. Realistically, spirit is ALWAYS with us. There are those times when we are completely taken over by the light of the miracle and operating from God Consciousness. 

So where am I leading to with ALL of this LOVE talk?
Right to Fridays and today's event at Are You Afro and Off Spring hosted by the Lovely Light Beings of Afro Mosaic Soul aka A.M.S ( The AMS, ALL Mastering Students as I refer to them). 

Each one of these beings, are a walking post of Love and Light. Constantly building, inspiring, and informing people in their communities and across the world through music, art, children, and DANCE!  ALL of this while perpetually mastering love as students of the Universe. 

So I will work counterclockwise as I explain to you, the two events that got the OFFICIAL Omena's Love Bliss STAMP of Bliss. Off spring is about a 4 year project that The AMS introduced to parents and friends who love music as  do their offspring and wanted a place to BE...amongst other DIVINE spirits Listening to Good music, networking about our unique gifts and skills, eating GREAT Food, and DANCING!  
Today was the re-luanch  of the event and Omena’s Love Bliss was kindly invited to provide pro-vibrant, wholesome food and snacks. We delivered and did just that as we served wheat and gluten free salmon pasta with mixed green salad, and seasoned popcorn. We also got the children’s stamp of APPROVAL with our fresh fruit salad.

ALL in ALL the reflection of Love, Appreciation, and freedom that filled the room with little light beings immersing themselves in FULL play, arts and craft, and Dancing was an ABSOLUTE DELIGHT to experience.

Moreover, the place in which the event was held was FABULOUS for two DIVINE reasons.  First, it’s a private democratic school entitled FreeBrook Academy, and second it was started by two AMAZING feminine manifestations just reaching the tip of 30…
These Divine Beings have ( in this moment temporarily) forgone a salary to execute a 10 year vision in the making mostly from their personal funding source as well as a few other gracious donors. The school promotes independent and social thinking from grades k-12 and although they don’t have All of the grades they host in the school, they are expanding in this very moment as I type this through the mental projection and Will Power of their right minds in fulfilling their life’s purpose.    

It gets even better, because as I  arrive, I am introduced by one of The AMS to the co-founder of the school and she is a very good associate that shares some special mutual Light compadres. We caught up on about 6 months  of  newness. As I mentioned to her my certification in Nutrition coaching, she showed great interest in incorporating a Health Initiative in the school.  Something I AM extremely passionate about implementing throughout the globe.

However, I AM willing to start locally and gradually elevate my Holistic Horizons. Nevertheless, back to the Little Light Beings and their innocence (A NECESSARY tool in the Atonement);  Witnessing such grander in their free movements, their leaps and bounds from the 5 steps to the ground, and their yelling to the top of their lungs as they stood confidently in their assurance of BEING on top of the WORLD, made me READY to do the same with my Holistic and Spiritual path

Which leads me to the next Colossal event of the MLK weekend, Are You Afro? Now here’s something totally interesting from an egoic point of view. This Friday was not one of their best parties and I AM  not exclusively posting my insights from that night.
However, Are U Afro? with its’ residents DJ’s DJ Sres, and Dave K is by far ( in my egoic opinion) one of THEE MOST Spirit invoking, SOUL Thumping parties in NYC. There is literally a Healing that occurs  on the dance floor with the connection of the being to the sound frequency/vibration of the music, that DJ Sres, and Dave K Ignites. You can see people releasing the stresses of life, the day and worries, fears. In that moment, there is ONLY pure LOVE.

Despite How and what I felt on Friday, this fundamental principle and energy was present for a good moment in the party. I even mentioned it on my flip cam while recording the night.

Although this account is coming from the past on both occasions, I must say that Are You Afro’s creator Gale Gee Murphy, with the TALENT and GIFTED SKILLS of her staff and DJ’s, especially DJ Sres has tapped into a Gold-Mind (and not remotely the one most folks think, but a golden treasure of the power of sound, drum, rhythm, and Love that supersede any material riches). I AM ALWAYS pleased when I go and see the reflections of each being in me. Especially in those moments of spiritual awe!
Then one by one, through my connection both to spirit and to the crew of Are You Afro, stories of people’s reason for coming,  and what the party does for them, Divinely unfolds to me.

I AM humbled and listen Lovingly, freely with a God Conscious ear, returning the Love and acceptance of the being confiding in me. So because of these consistent encounters that happen every time I attend this PARTY, it will ALMOST CERTAINTLY get the Omena’s Love Bliss Stamp of Bliss. Moreover I highly recommend that you ALL reading this attend @least one Are You Afro? event and allow your own DANCING Spirit to communicate with the vibrations of the music.

In closing I want to say, that there has never been one documented VIOLENT incident that I can recall since I’ve been frequenting house parties from 1997-until now. Even though, I’d been listening to the music from my wipper snapper years as an eclectic youth in Junior High School. If someone steps on your shoe or pushes you,
YES from an egoic level one may moat, but not to the degree of throwing blows because usually the person who commits the act apologizes if they’re aware.

For the most part there are no Artificial Probes needed to enhance the natural High that the energy of this music exudes in ALL of the dancers and DJ’s that come to give and receive the one thing they share in common LOVE for the music!

In Divne Love

Thank You for reading and Listening

Omena El, CHC

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