Monday, January 9, 2012

Digested Flows Of A Healthy Colon!

One of the most important organs besides the liver in the body, TOPS Up! will have to BE... The Digestive System. This is where health and wellness begin; Where dis-ease begin. Today I AM going to talk a little about the digestion and how it correlates with other organs and metabolic functions in the body.

 For starters I'd like to start with the  mouth where its key role is the flow and proper digestion of food. The mouth contains teeth, and a jawline which helps to chew our food finely and the acid/saliva in the mouth produces an enzyme to break down the food so that it can flow smoothly down the esophagus into the digestive tract/lining.  An enzyme is a substance that speeds up chemical reactions in the body. Sometimes people are deficient in adequate enzyme production, so they have to take digestive supplements to assist in the process.

Most of the time people are eating on a rush, under pressure and anxiety thinking about passing a test, or playing their best basketball game, what to wear, losing weight, getting over a broken heart, meeting a deadline(s). Whatever the reason, we are far to consumed with emotional distresses while eating.   Please remember to breath, control the various thoughts in your mind, and chew, chew, chew, and swallow your food until it is soupy or pasty.  Check in with your body to see how it feels to be present and slow down when enjoying your food.

Although, chewing is directly related to digestion and is a part of the digestive tract, I want to mention how important the respiratory system (which are where the lungs and chest are housed) is to digestion as well. One must breathe in fresh oxygen while eating, and invite in good thoughts about what they’re consuming and how they’re day is unfolding. Please remind yourselves to never eat when feeling bad, stressed out, or angry. The food will become acidic in the body and the liver will respond to it as a toxin.

Moving along, the digestive system is made up of hollow organs that have muscles underneath which contract or help to move liquid and food through the intestines and out of the body as waste.  Food moves from one organ to the next through muscle action called peristalsis which looks like an ocean wave.  In the internal lining of the intestines is good and bad bacteria which are stored beneath the villi in the intestines. The function of the Digestive tract or gut would also take up a lot of time. However, it is important to know a few basic things. First off the digestive tract is comprised of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, small and large intestines, and the rectum anus.

We already covered what the mouth does, the esophagus which begins at the opening of the throat inside the mouth is a long tube which passes through the respiratory system and connects to the stomach right at the beginning of the digestive tract. Once the food is chewed and swallowed the juices from the saliva carries the food down the esophagus where the upper and lower muscle layers pinch together (called sphincters) contract and move the food down to the stomach. The stomach then acts as storage or a container where the food and liquid gets mixed together and is then pumped to the intestines. 

The stomach then relaxes and waits for the food to go through a tube into the small intestines. The liver which is the largest organ in the body, (but the brain is the heaviest weighing 3 pounds once it reaches adult size) then absorbs all of the amino acids, glucose, vitamins, anti-oxidants and releases more digestive juices and bile which are stored in the gall bladder.  At mealtime, it is squeezed out of the gallbladder, through the bile ducts, and into the intestine to mix with the fat in food. The bile acids dissolve fat into the watery contents of the intestine, much like detergents that dissolve grease from a frying pan. After fat is dissolved, it is digested by enzymes from the pancreas and the lining of the intestine.

The pancreas is a small organ, approximately six inches long, located in the upper abdomen, and adjacent to the small intestine. It lies toward your back and completes the job of breaking down protein, carbohydrates, and fats using digestive juices of pancreas combined with juices from the intestines. It secretes hormones that affect the level of sugar in the blood as well as neutralize the acids in the stomach. When this hormone (insulin) is not secreted it cannot covert the glucose into energy in your body and fat is then stored in the blood making it thick and difficult to pass through the cells. This what causes High cholesterol/Blood Pressure and Diabetes. There are many other functions to the pancreas but we will keep it as basic as possible.

In closing I mentioned in the winter solstice post a few things to help with a healthy colon. I will reiterate to find a good Pro-biotic to take daily, as well as get colonics up to 6 for the whole year, and participate in a detox/cleanse at some point during the beginning of the year, but definitely every quarter season. Eat foods that are more alkaline and less acidic. Lastly consume foods that are in season and Eat with a conscious heart and mind!

For more information or to inquire about your own Health Analysis contact 
Omena El Certified Health Coach @ 718-840-7348 or
Thank You for reading and listening

BE...Well and LOVE Anyway!

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